the art of doing meditative nature photography

Inspiration doesn’t come by flapping madly about.

Meaning and purpose in our lives are revealed not by pressure, not by effort, not by a bossy, inner voice proclaiming shoulds and nagging us about what we ought to do.

It is only by soaring above the cacophonous voices of the world (and our own past) that we enter the calm air of tranquility where our own, authentic inner voice becomes clear. And our own vision becomes clear. See not from the ground, where the clutter of life interferes with our line of sight, but from above, where the panorama of the Big Picture can put it all in perspective.

Go on a hunt for meaning. Be the hawk. Find some stillness. Find some silence. Go ahead, it’s okay. Ride the wind till you catch an updraft that suspends you and holds you gently while you listen with keen ears and see with new eyes.  Stay aloft until you find what you seek. It’s there, from this view, standing out from the scenery below.

(Click on any of my photographs to see an enlarged image)

Comments on: "Calmly Soaring on the Hunt for What We Want in Life" (4)

  1. I have enjoyed reading your posts, I would like to know how in the world do you get a copyright for a photograph? LOL! I know a few really good photographers and I know they could use the information.

    • Hi Robyn!
      There are several ways to do copyright notices on photographs, it really depends on what programs you have available to work with. Google it and there are some great articles on the subject of copyrights and watermarks that will steer you in the right direction. At the most basic level you could even use photoshop or paint to “draw” on the photo. But there are programs that do deeper protections. And copyright is yours from the moment of creation. You don’t have to “get it”, you just have to let the world know it’s your work by putting the notice on. Google that, too for a better explanation! Hope that helped and thanks for reading 🙂

  2. Wow…thanks so much…now keep on snapping, LOL, you have great work! 🙂

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